Fresh'n up - fresh ideas for language learners in a rut

The course is intended for people who have made a start with a foreign language and feel they got stuck in a rut. It is based on Greg Thomson´s „Growing Participator Approach“ (GPA).

  • Reading assignments that encourage the students to think through their personal language learning situation
  • Exercises
  • Individual coaching


The students gain new ideas for their specific language learning situation, so they can keep learning with new courage and make progress.

During the course students receive short articles and some questions that make them think through their situation and the reasons for getting stuck. They then receive many ideas for language learning activities. During the duration of the course they meet regularly with a native speaker to try out the new ideas and activities. The consultant is in regular email contact with the students and makes the course as relevant as possible for their specific needs.

You need:

  1. Access to a mother tongue speaker of the language you are learning, somebody who is willing and available to spend time with you in conversation
  2. Access to email
  3. A recording device with which you can record and play back spoken language

The students agree individually with the consultant when they want to start. If they can spend 6–8 hours per week on the course (about half of which with the mother tongue speaker, the other half by themselves), then they should be able to get through the course in about 6–8 weeks.

Kathrin Pope

60,- €

Please contact us, if you do not have received a confirmation within 5 days!
